Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Retrospective: Part I

I have to confess that despite the sundry annoyances of knitting Sheldon Junior, I really enjoyed knitting again, and writing about knitting (which, er, may have been apparent.)  But since I have no further knitting to share, and as we're coming up on a year of Willowhood, I thought I'd go back and revisit all the items I made for her when I was pregnant. 

Item the first: Baby Cozy.

This was actually fairly handy, once I settled myself into getting her into it (which, I'm not going to lie, was a bit of a battle).  I'd button her up, and then nurse her, and she'd fall asleep already all bundled and cozy, and I wouldn't have to worry about her kicking off her blankets--or scratching her face in her sleep.

The hat got used less, since it was hard to keep it on her during the nurse-transfer to basket.  But it fit her well, and was one of the few she'd keep on--I guess it wasn't too tight?  Not too droopy in her eyes?  Who knows.  Willow's hat preferences are a mystery to me.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

To cute for words! I LOVE the retrospective. Isn't it amazing to look back on what we have accomplished. My best to you and your family.