What it means, child, is that we have all of us survived the first year of your life, with the three months of nonstop crying, with the endless babyfood-making, with the Shhhh! She's sleeping!, and with life coming to a halt whenever you decide that it should. We should all be getting presents, not you.
But then you're the one who had to suffer through those first three months of being so miserable, and then once you realized there was stuff in the world that interested you, you found that you were constantly restrained from investigating the things that interested you the most. "Cords and medicine cabinets are not for babies"--that's all you ever hear.
This morning you gave me a kiss when I asked for one, and yesterday you tickled me. You know how much you are loved, and you love us all with every fiber of your being, like you will break with it.
You are the greatest joy in our lives, and we are grateful for every moment of this past year. And we'll keep giving you presents if you just keep on being you.
Happy Birthday, my love.
Dear Willow,
My sentiments, exactly.
Your Dad
Happy Birthday Little Willow!!
You've got the perfect points- we deserve the presents, lol. Congrats on a beautiful, wonderful, amazing One year old!!
Happy birthday, Willow! We've never met but we've watched you grow from a tiny baby to a beautiful, dimpled toddler. And thank you, Mom, for sharing her with us. Vicki and Emily.
Happy birthday, Willow!
Welcome to the second year - you have no idea how much fun it is!
Happy Birthday to Mom and baby both! Good job keeping her alive and happy! She's adorable and I love all the pics from this last year. Congrats on surviving the first year without completely losing your mind! Yay!
Happy Happy Birthday little lady! Many congrats you mommy and daddy.
Happy birthday and congratulations for having made it so far!
Happy Birthday Willow! My little Bamsegutt and I have loved reading about your progress this year!
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