1) Napping not on me. Verdict? Successful! I'm typing this right now! She is therefore asleep elsewhere than on me! Actually, she is currently on the floor in Toaster's bedroom, since the house is in complete disarray on account of the electrical work getting entirely redone. (I want you to just take a moment and think about what that entails. Complete disarray.) Watch, now she'll only be able to nap on the floor of Toaster's bedroom.
2) Eating solid foods. Verdict? Um, scary? Not for the reasons you might think, though. She's just really intense about it. You put a finger smear of banana in front of her and her eyes get wide and her whole body quivers and she lunges for you. It's freaky. But we've tried banana to obvious great success, avocado to lesser but still intriguing success, and applesauce to straightforward failure. But we shall soldier on. She's not really interested in anything the barest amount of flavor--anything that she might have to swallow gets spat out. I don't think my breasts are going to be retiring anytime soon.
4) Finding a job. Verdict? Fail. Gotta find a job. Really.
5) Getting Willow to like other people. Verdict? Successful! We took a trip out to San Diego this past weekend for my sister Hannah's college graduation. The flight was, um, not as fun as the one to Hawaii, but I've been on planes with way crabbier babies, so I call it a win. But this girl was absolutely charming to everyone she encountered. She adored her cousin Lauren, mostly because Lauren was willing to spend a great deal of time jumping up and down for her entertainment:
1 comment:
Awww! What a happy girl! Thanks for all the pics. :)
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