When I was 15, I went through an E.M. Forster period. I dressed as though I lived in Edwardian England (which let me tell you, made me so popular. Couldn't find time for all my millions of friends), watched every Merchant/Ivory ever made, blushed and rewatched The Scene in A Room With a View (you know The Scene), and bought a poster. This poster:

I've now relegated the poster to a corner of the downstairs hallway (where it is cheaply framed, not taped), and I no longer dress like Helena Bonham Carter. Mostly.

Oh, let's not kid ourselves. I'm still her, and I'm occasionally still entranced.
In any case, I love this top. I loved knitting it, I love the yarn (gaugetastic! Hooray!) I love that I can and will wear it everywhere and to all things and not feel self-conscious in it. It looks made with love, but doesn't absolutely scream homemade. Lack of sewing required (in my case, anyway) makes for a more professional-looking garment.
And I can give a little wave to the version of myself that had the guts and the romanticism to love what I loved.

Lovely! What yarn did you use? I may have missed that part.
Oh--sorry! It's Knitpicks Main Line cotton
I loved reading this post because it made me see the romanticism in a pattern I had never seriously considered! Your Rusted Root looks perfect.
Oooooh, it's just beautiful! Nicely done, Nikki.
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